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High pressure will be in place over Ireland next week with alot of dry weather around

With high pressure now in place over Ireland and set to stay in place over the coming week it will mean Ireland will see very little rainfall with below average amounts expected over the next 7 days across the country. Over the week there will be some patchy drizzle and light rain in parts of Ireland with western, northwestern and northern county’s at the high risk of this.

High pressure in place over Ireland into the first few days of October, GFS MODEL RUN

High pressure in place over Ireland into the first few days of October, ECMWF MODEL RUN

The current outlook from the GFS and ECMWF model show high pressure still in place over Ireland and the UK over the first week of October before it turns cooler again across Ireland.

Below you can find the latest forecast outlook for the week for Ireland.

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Connactht and Ulster will see outbreaks of rain and drizzle on Tuesday with some patchy rain also expected in some parts of Munster and Leinster. Over east and south there will also be some good sunny spell over the day with temperatures between 13C to 16C.

On Tuesday night it will rain cloudy for most parts with the risk of drizzle especially across western and northern parts of Ireland. Some parts of the east and southeast may see a mixture of cloud and clear spells overnight. Temperatures will range between 10C to 13C over night.


On Wednesday it will be another dry day across Ireland but a little milder due to a southwesterly breeze with temperatures between 15C to 18C across Ireland. There will be the risk of a few showers over the northwest and northern parts of Ireland. Its will will be mostly cloudy over Connacht and Ulster with some sunny spells across Munster and south Leinster over the day.

Wednesday night will be mostly dry across Ireland with clear spells in most places with the small risk of some drizzle over the northwest for a time. Temperatures over night will range between 8C to 12C.


A few light showers possible over western and northern parts on Thursday with cloud increasing there over the afternoon over the south and east it will remain dry with sunny spells with some sunny spells also possible across southern connacht. temperatures between 15C to 19C across Ireland.


Friday looks set to be a dry day across Ireland with only the odd risk of a showers. There will be some bright and sunny spell over the day but some cloudy around too with the small chance again on one or two light showers. Temperatures will range 11C to 14C.


Saturday will be a dry day across Ireland as high pressure stays put over the weekend with a mixture of cloud and some good sunny spells to at times across parts of the country. Temperatures will range between 11C to 14C


Sunday again will be a dry day across Ireland as high pressure in place there will be a mixture of cloud and some good sunny spells to at times across parts of the country. Temperatures will range between 11C to 14C


Early next week looks set to start of dry across Ireland with high pressure still in place there could be a few light showers now and again but the main outlooks is for very small amounts of rain over the coming week. Later next week it may turn a little more on settled again and also colder as winds turn more northwesterly and northerly in directions taken in a colder air mass with a risk of frost over the start of October.

At the end of the month into October another thing we need to watch out for is Sub Tropical storm Leslie which is current in the tropical waters of the Atlantic with its path not known. the GFS and ECMWF hint it could move near western Europe but where is yet to early to say yet. It can be seen on the above model runs of the west of Ireland into the start of October.

Below you will see the latest track map from the Hurricane center of Sub Tropical storm Leslie

The initial motion is estimated to be an eastward drift, or 090/4 kt within the increasing mid-level westerly steering flow. A turn to the east-northeast is forecast as an approaching mid-latitude trough and associated cold front approaches from the northwest over the central Atlantic. The deterministic guidance indicate that the aforementioned baroclinic system will overtake Leslie near the 48 hour period, and influence a transition to a non-tropical low pressure system. Subsequently, the GFS and the European models still show extratropical Leslie as the primary system and deepening with time. For now, the official forecast will indicate a merging scenario, but succeeding advisories may include extratropical low forecast points through day 5.

Kenneth from the Donegal Weather Channel


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