Ireland warmer than parts of Spain and Portugal today
After midday all areas of Ireland will be under clear skies and beautiful sunshine with some sunshine hazy in places. Temperatures across some parts of Ireland toady will be warmer than parts of Spain and Portugal.
Top temperatures today in some parts Ireland will be at a max of 23C warmest in the west and south west with temperatures in the northwest at around 20C.
Over northern parts of Ireland highs of 18C to 20C can also be expected with maximum temperatures over the south of Ireland at around 20C to 22C,
Along the eastern half of Ireland temperatures will range between 17C to 20C in nice sunshine.
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Maximum temperatures in Madrid (Spain) today will reach 17C, Maximum temperatures in Faro (Portugal) today will reach 20C,
Temperatures in the Canary Islands will average between 17C to 21C today. Over Scandinavia it is very warm for the time of year an areas that is normally chilly could see temperatures of 28C especially around Oslo. Over some northern areas of Scandinavia temperatures may even rise to as high at 20C to 25C over today.
Unusually high temperatures over Scandinavia with temperatures set to rise into the high teens in parts today