Over 100 volunteers take part in massive clean up around the Inishowen region over the weekend


By James McCaffrey

The bank holiday weekend provided a welcome rest for many with fine weather and opportunities to explore local landmarks. These local sites are part of the beauty of the Inishowen region and form part of a rich cultural heritage. However, despite many enjoying popular locations such as Dunree Fort and Linsfort Beach - a new emerging issue has came to light, discarded litter.

A group of local residents have formed together to tackle the waste problem in the Desertegney region. The newly launched grouping held a widespread litter collection on Saturday 1st May.

Over 100 volunteers from the close-knit community formed into family bubbles and collected rubbish discarded in hedgerows, waterways and paths.

The strong team of volunteers highlighted the community spirit of the event and the need for immediate action. Across the area covered, over 250 refuse bags were filled with items of litter including household goods, takeaway coffee cups, glass and plastic containers.

This huge undertaking has ensured protection for the sensitive local environment. The army of volunteers worked tirelessly with many young and old playing their part.

The group engaged with Donegal County Council who kindly supported the event providing reflective vests, litter picks and refuse collection.

A great sense of pride was felt by all on Saturday evening following a hectic day of clear up. Areas once blighted by litter are now free from this pollution. A huge thank you is extended to those who made the event a success.

The community action group representative commented: "We came together out of genuine concern of the ongoing litter situation. The aims are simple - to protect the local area and encourage everyone to ensure litter is disposed of correctly."

The new group will now continue to encourage everyone to take their litter home. The hugely successful bank holiday weekend event will form part of a wider community-led waste strategy.

For more information, visit Desertegney Community Clean Up on Facebook or Instagram.

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