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Starlink satellite train to pass over Irish sky's this evening twice

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Much of the Starlink Satellites will cross Irish sky’s this evening and will chase each other in a straight line.


The first pass will occur between 5:04pm to 5:13pm and will be nearly be overhead.

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The second pass will occur between 6:39pm to 6:48pm and will be high in the western sky.

>>> Starlink Group 2 from Donegal <<<

The second group of satellites in close conjunction to one another - they will however spread out over the coming weeks. This group of 60 satellites adds to the first group ( group 1) of 60 bringing us up to a current total of 120. 120 Satellites might not seem like a lot but unfortunately there will be a total of 12,000 Starlink satellites in Orbit by the mid 2020s and plans to up that number to 42,000. I personally don't mind the odd bright satellite move across the night sky and into the field of view of my imaging target, but if they don't sort out the reflective panel issues that allow these satellites to be visible like bright stars - we are going to have a huge problem on our hands in the months ahead ( Astrophotography wise )

If any thing now is about the best time to look up into the night sky and enjoy the wonders, before it become over populated.

Captured > Ballintra, Co Donegal by Noel Keating Photography

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