Update on Storm Hannah from Joan Blackburn issued at 1400 hrs on Friday

The latest indications are that the centre of Storm Hannah will track east over Ireland between Galway and Dublin with the most severe winds on the southern and western flank of the storm.

Warnings have been updated with a general Orange wind warning in operation across Munster and Galway and a Red level warning in operation for Clare for a time this evening (2000hrs to 2300hrs). Winds along the coasts of Kerry, Connemara and off shore Islands are also likely to dip into the red level at times this evening. Yellow wind warnings are in operation for the rest of Connacht and much of Leinster.

The following chart is the Met Éireann high-resolution surface pressure and wind forecast for 10pm this evening showing the status Red winds in over County Clare and the north of Kerry and on the Connemara coast. the centre of Hannah is moving in over the midlands.


The following chart is the Met Éireann high-resolution surface pressure and wind forecast for 2 am Saturday, the storm centre having moved out into the Irish Sea and the severe winds easing

HANNAH 2.png


The Information to follow was included by Siobhán Ryan on Thursday 25th April 2019

Storm Hannah was named by Met Eireann on Thursday morning with orange level winds expected to impact upon counties Clare, Limerick, Cork and Kerry from Friday afternoon (16:00) until late Friday night (05:00 Saturday). A yellow wind has also been issued for the rest of Munster, Connacht and southern Leinster, with this warning valid until 09:00 on Saturday. The situation and warnings will be under constant review and will be amended if required.

The developing storm system currently lies east of Newfoundland, with rapid cyclogenesis expected to occur over the next 24 hours as it tracks eastwards across the Atlantic. Storm Hannah will be positioned off-shore roughly 200km west of Slyne Head by 16:00 on Friday with the closed storm system forecast to track directly inland across the southern portion of Ireland on Friday evening/night. After that it will move away towards Britain and slowly fill, losing most of its strength on Saturday morning.

The public are advised to be prepared for the anticipated conditions, especially those living or travelling to the southwest with some disruption and power outages likely. There is an increased risk of impacts to life and property during times of severe weather with flying debris of particular concern during any wind event. People are advised to take in their BBQ or loose garden furniture, especially after the recent warm spell.

With the trees now in full leaf, there is an increased threat of tree damage and possible felling too. Other impacts may include travel disruption with large and dangerous waves expected to crash into southwest coasts. Whilst Storm Hannah will primarily be a wind event, spells of heavy rain will be wrapped up around eye of the storm too.

The last of the heavy rain will clear the north and east during Saturday morning and winds will abate. However, brisk northwest winds will persist into Saturday afternoon with a mix of sunshine and scattered showers following.

For the latest warnings CLICK HERE



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